The Guatemala Learning Express

Guatemala's Coat Of Arms

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Guatemala's Coat Of Arms
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Guatemala's Coat Of Arms Is Very Interesting. It has a wreath of Olive Branches on the outside to symbolize victory. Inside of the wreath, there is a Resplendent Quetzal, a bird in Guatemala that symbolizes liberty. Beneath the bird is a scroll that reads LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821. This translates roughly to LIBERTY 15TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1821, the day that Central America received independence from Spain. There are also 2 rifles crossed partially hidden behind the scroll, that symbolize Guatemala's will to defend themselves by force if need be. And last on the coat of arms is probably the least visible object, 2 swords criss-crossing. These represent honor. The Coat Of Arms was designed by a Swiss man named Jean-Baptiste Frener, who lived in the country from 1854, until he died in 1897. The Coat Of Arms can also be seen on the flag of Guatemala, as you can read on the homepage.

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